Ego, Self-Discovery, Leadership, Childhood Experiences, Values, Expectations, Mistakes, Trust, Relationships, Positive Relationships, Energy Levels, Nurturing Relationships, Good Leadership, Team Success, Unlock Potential, Resolving Conflict, Branding, Marketing, Positive Circles

Episode 5: Everything You Need To Know…

Episode 5: Everything You Need To Know…


In this episode, Yovanka and Kirsten take us on an exploration of the impact of ego on our lives, opportunities, and relationships. The dynamic duo shares personal stories, revealing how their encounters with ego have shaped them and, more importantly, how understanding and managing ego can pave the way for a deeper connection with one’s higher self.


Topic 1: Unpacking the Ego

The journey begins with a discussion on the power of thoughts and the baggage we carry from our 20s. Yovanka and Kirsten emphasise the importance of understanding and managing the ego as a crucial aspect of self-discovery. The duo sheds light on how unresolved issues, past relationships, and upbringing can unexpectedly trigger the ego, impacting our perspectives and opportunities.


Topic 2: Childhood Experiences and Trust-Building

Diving deeper, the hosts explore how childhood experiences shape our values and expectations. They stress the significance of dropping the ego, making mistakes, and owning up to them as a means to build trust and foster strong relationships. The conversation serves as a testament to the transformative power of vulnerability and authenticity in personal and professional connections.


Topic 3: Good Leadership and Relationship Building

Drawing from real-life experiences, Yovanka and Kirsten discuss the essence of good leadership and the importance of dropping the ego in business. They highlight the need to understand the root cause of problems, find creative solutions, and embrace compromises. The conversation underscores the role of surrounding oneself with the right people for personal and professional growth.


Topic 4: Ego in Leadership

The hosts unravel the detours ego can create on the path to personal and team success. Kirsten shares a pivotal moment where her ego nearly cost her a valuable team member, emphasising the importance of open-minded leadership. The discussion delves into feedback, learning, and the indispensable role of dropping the ego in creating a thriving team.


Topic 5: Power of Positive Circles

Yovanka and Kirsten wrap up by emphasising the transformative influence of positive social circles. They share insights on surrounding oneself with individuals who elevate energy levels and contribute to growth. The hosts encourage listeners to drop the ego, choose circles wisely, and navigate life with authenticity, leaving us with a powerful message on the sweetness of life when lived with the right people.


Some Insight Into The Conversations To be Had…


“Your ego does protect you, but it’s also in a constant battle with your unconscious mind.” – Yovanka

“Drop the ego. Choose your circle wisely.” – Kirsten

“Life is so much sweeter when you wake up… find your circle, find your business circle, find your friend’s circle, and hold them tight, love them hard.” – Kirsten

“When you’re dealing with the wrong people, you feel so much more depleted in energy. You feel sick. You feel so zapped.” – Yovanka


The episode resonates as a valuable guide to navigating the complexities of ego, relationships, and leadership in the pursuit of a fulfilling and authentic life.


Listen Today, Thank Us Tomorrow…

Episode 5 launches on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023. 



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