Cheap Hair Extensions... What Salons Need to Know

Cheap Hair Extensions… let’s talk about them.
You might not know this… But the hair extension industry has a shady side.
Did you know that majority of hair extensions are produced in overseas factories
focused on cutting costs, instead of creating quality?
How Do They Do It?
These factories often produce Cheap Hair Extensions for multiple brands at once, leading to compromised materials, methods, and ethical standards.
Hair stylists are inundated daily with DMs from factory “hair brokers” (yes, that’s a real job title!) who are trained to deceive buyers and salons. Even these brokers can be misled by their sources.
When stylists are starting out, limited budgets push them towards cheaper, faster, and unfortunately, less ethical options. These factories prey on this by sending ‘A’ grade hair in their first order, which is of amazing quality — soft, shiny, and healthy — to create the illusion of a great deal.
But over time, these factories begin to reduce the quality to ‘B’ or even ‘C’ grade hair without informing the stylists. This over-processed hair undergoes harsh bleaching to achieve the desired colour quickly. This strips the cuticle and then coating it in silicone to create a temporary illusion of health and shine.
As a result, stylists unknowingly install poor-quality hair that becomes dry, matted, splits, and sheds. Deceptive, right?
That’s why stylists must know the company they are buying from and understand where their hair is sourced.
At YL Extensions, we partner exclusively with our supplier to ensure the highest quality and consistency. Unlike others, we preserve the natural cuticle of our hair, avoiding harsh processes like silicone coating that lead to breakage and loss of shine. AND we do the quality control for you, so you always know you’re getting the best.
Feel like you’re not getting the best quality hair extensions?
It's time to give us a call...