Navigating The Salon Industry's Burning Question: Who Owns the Client?

Navigating The Salon Industry's Burning Question: Who Owns the Client?

Navigating The Salon Industry's Burning Question: Who Owns the Client?

Picture this: you've nurtured a successful salon business, and grown a loyal client base, but one of your top stylists decides it's time to move on. So, here’s the burning question: Who owns the client?

In the dynamic world of salon business, success often comes with challenges. Yovanka Loria and Kirsten Harris tackle this common business problem in the newest episode of The CEO Stylist. They share stories from listeners and their own experiences, offering straightforward answers to help navigate this widely experienced challenge.

The Western Australia Dilemma:

Yovanka and Kirsten unpack a story from Western Australia, where a stylist decided to switch salons, and the salon owner was left wondering who had rights to the clients. Yovanka and Kirsten dissect the aftermath of her move, the ethics and legalities of client lists and salon-client relationships and discuss whether a stylist can take their clientele with them. They also reflect on the importance of trust and open communication between salon owners.

Social Media Ownership:

Yovanka and Kirsten recount two listener stories surrounding the issue of social media ownership when it comes to employee departure and onboarding. Should the follower base built under your salon's brand walk out the door with a stylist? Should a stylist’s following be handled by the salon when they join the team? The hosts explain how to establish expectations, social media policies and clear contracts that safeguard both the business and its stylists' individuality.

Whether you're a stylist, a salon owner, or someone who enjoys a good story, you'll find something to relate to as Yovanka and Kirsten tackle the salon industry's burning question of client ownership.

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Tune in to The CEO Stylist for an engaging exploration of the challenges and solutions in the ever-evolving world of the salon industry...