Correcting Overtoned Hair Extensions: A Guide for Hairstylists

Correcting Overtoned Hair Extensions: A Guide for Hairstylists

Correcting Overtoned Hair Extensions: A Guide for Hairstylists


"I've accidentally overtoned my clients hair extensions and I have NO idea how to fix them! HELP! What can I do?"

Are you facing the challenge of correcting unwanted overtones in your clients' hair extensions? DOn't worry... we've all been there!

Get ready as we explore the do's & don'ts of colour correction, armed with effective solutions to restore vibrancy and guarantee that your client walks out the door feeling as confident (and professionally toned) as ever.


Recently, we encountered a situation with Yovanka Loria Extensions in the shade "Malibu", which required attention due to violet overtones. To address this, we explored two corrective options...

Correcting Overtoned Hair Extensions: Option A... "Malibu" Cleanse

We mixed Malibu C with water and applied it to the extensions, allowing it to work its magic for 30 minutes. This gentle solution effectively removes violet overtones without compromising the integrity of the extensions whatsoever.

Correcting Overtoned Hair Extensions: Option B... Evo’s Bottle Blonde Colour Remover with 10vol

For a more robust approach, we opted for Evo’s Bottle Blonde Colour Remover with 10vol, applying it for 10 minutes. This potent formula, enriched with infused argan oil, not only eliminates unwanted tones but also nourishes the hair, ensuring optimal hydration throughout the process.


Post-correction, we rinsed and conditioned the extensions. To seal the deal, we applied @evohair "Whip It Good", a styling mousse that enhances texture and leaves hair feeling rejuvenated. Finally, we allowed the extensions to air dry naturally, ensuring a seamless finish.


It's imperative to remember that the potency of hair colour removers can vary, influencing the outcome of your correction process. Additionally, it is important to always prioritise the health of your client's hair by opting for gentle yet effective solutions and incorporating nourishing products into your post-treatment routine.


Have you ever encountered "overtoned" hair extensions that you weren't able to salvage? Try the YL method next time...